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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ping Plotter Freeware

PingPlotter Freeware is a high performance, low-overhead traceroute application. It allows you to quickly "trace" the route between you and a target of your choice (a web site, Voice over IP provider, online game server, or similar target), and then continue to collect performance metrics about that route.

Packet loss and latency numbers are available within seconds, and the results are displayed in a graphical format, in addition to text values. This allows you to quickly see if the final destination is performing as you expect, and if it's not, you can see which hop is causing the problems.

Once you find a problem, you can copy the text or image you've collected to your clipboard, and then paste it into an email to report the problem to someone who can help you solve it.

PingPlotter Freeware is completely free. You can download it and use it without charge.

If you're looking for additional features (like long-term monitoring, performance-over-time graphs, the ability to save and reload collected data, plus a lot more), have a look at our Standard or Professional editions of PingPlotter. Our feature comparison page can give you a good idea about which edition is right for you.

Click below to download

1.Open the program
2.Click Edit ---> Option
3.Tick color graph background
4.Set Warning(yellow) speed (ms)=100
5.Set critical(red) speed (ms)=200
6.click OK to accept

1. set Address to trace to: www.tm.net.my
2. under sampling # of times to trace : unlimited
3. Trace delay : 1 second
4. Click TRACE button

You should get all green color on Hop column that represent ping under 100 ms

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